The Paradise Center for the Arts has received a Grant from the MN State Arts Board to provide Creative Aging Classes! These classes are for patrons ages 45+, allowing participants to explore different art forms, create something special, and get to know others in the community! All the classes will teach skill-building over time, each session of the class building on the next. Classes will be led by teaching artists, have multiple sessions with built-in social time, and end with a culminating event. Supplies & materials are included in the tuition! Scholarships are available for all Creative Aging Courses--Students may select 10%, 25%, or 50% off their tuition. You must contact the Paradise for a scholarship.
In partnership with Buckham West, River Bend Nature Center, Fifty North all members of Buckham West, River Bend Nature Center, Fifty North are eligible to receive the membership price listed for each of the classes! To receive this membership discount, you must contact the box office or education director, Will McIntyre! (
Click on the class title to register online OR you can call us at (507) 332-7372 to register!
The Paradise will be following the model of Teaching Artist Training in Creative Aging Presented by Aroha Philanthropies and the Minnesota State Arts Board in partnership with Lifetime Arts.
*This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.